I am still working on gathering the material for a photo blog. I just need to get in the habit of taking more pictures.
Today was a very tiring day. I don’t know porque, pero yo was muy cansado todas del dia. Yo voy a to try to get some more sleep tonight.
One thing I have gained a greater appreciation for here in Costa Rica is being blessed to have been taught to use computers. In my tico family, Mauricio is the oldest and the most tech saavy. But he asks for my help with simple things like importing pictures from Picasa simply because he isn’t used to it. No one in the family really utilizes the computer that they have. Computers are such helpful tools but they do take some getting used to. I usually think of people who don’t know how to use computers as being part of one of two groups. The first group says they aren’t tech saavy but actually know their way around well enough. They don’t know why things work, but they understand how a computer works so they can use the computer so long as nothing goes horribly wrong. The second group is those that really don’t know how to use the computer at all and cannot really use their computer without help. The second group has gradually been dissapearing in the US, almost everyone has or is learning basic computer skills now, even if they only know a few programs. But here in Costa Rica, even the kids don’t really know how to use their computers. :-/ Anyway, it made me realize just how bless I am in something I had never really thought about before.
Noah went to see the doctor today and was able to get some medicine to help his symptoms. Apparently, his body is having a reaction to a regional virus that just comes from eating the food and drinking the water. It is the kind of virus everyone who comes to Costa Rica is going to get simply by being here, but that only some people react to it. So the good news is that Noah is feeling better and that we don’t have to quarantine him because whatever he has we have too anyway. ;-)
We want to visit San José this week. Noah is leaving for Monte Verde at the end of the week so we want to do something together. We are all really craving eating at Subway too ;-) (I love the food here, but sometimes you just get that craving for something. It doesn’t mean you don’t want anything else.)
Anyway, I know it is not the best for my Spanish, but I have started reading a lot of news articles to try to catch up on what’s happening in the world. Big changes are happening. North Korea scares me.
In classes today, we went over more definite articles and their uses (el/la/los/las). We feel the lesson is getting a bit tedious so we will probably ask if it would be okay to move a little faster through the material. Our professora is really patient and helpful. So far I have really liked all the professors and professoras we have had. The overall learning atmosphere has been excellent.
Tomorrow is the big game between the US and Costa Rican soccer teams. You can probably watch it in the States too. My family is going to be rooting for Costa Rica while I will root for the US. It should be fun and hopefully I won’t get thrown out of the house if the US wins ;-) I have decided to get the membership at the movie rental place because there aren’t many edifying television shows you can watch in Spanish.
Sorry this post has been more of a bullet point news update than a cohesive idea or theme. If you have an idea for me or something you’d like me to write on, send me an email or leave a comment. Just don’t send me thirty questions at once (that means you mom ;-) ) because then I feel overwhelmed.
Hasta mañana!
Hey- I only send you questions because you haven't mentioned the items yet : ) I didn't mean to overwhelm you. So, are you getting to like black coffee? What is the name of the virus Noah has? I didn't read anything about that in any of the articles/blogs, I read. Glad to hear he is feeling better.