Friday, May 22, 2009

Dia Cinco – Why Macs are amazing

22 de Mayo, 2009

Well, I had a whole post planned. I was going to talk about what Benjamin and Noah have been up to and how classes are going, pero mañana es mí mama tica’s cumpleaños so instead I decided to work on something else. The familia had a camera with a memory card, but no way to download the photos onto the computer. Mauricio asked me if I had a way to get the pictures from the camera to the computer so I just swapped memory cards and used my camera and its USB cord to transfer the files. Their copy of Windows (which, at this point, I am sure is some pirated copy because they have “this copy of Windows is unregistered” popping up all over their screen), does not have any real applications for media except for a basic picture viewer. So, I decided to use my Mac for what Macs do best. I downloaded the pictures into iPhoto and worked with Mauricio to choose photos and music for an iMovie slideshow. He chose all the pictures, and then I went to work creating the slideshow with iMovie (which makes everything a breeze by the way...I have no idea how Windows Movie Maker users survive, I just know that they must suffer :-/). So, during the time when I normally blog, I worked on that. I just finished now and am now exporting the movie to a readable format. It took me a while, though, so I need to get to bed. Hence, my shortened blog post today. Sorry. I’ll have a full post tomorrow. Until then, adios!


  1. Please wish Mama Olga a happy birthday from our family. Is that why you are making the rum cake? I'm glad you were able to help out with your magic Mac. I'm guessing we won't hear from you until Monday, when you return to school?

  2. This is dad... For some reason my desktop Mac won't allow me to send you comments, no matter what account or profile I use.

    I just returned from Orlando, Florida for the homeschool convention. It went great. Sold over 120 DVDs and met lots of people interested in movie-making. I also learned a few tricks about going to Disney World and where to stay for really cheap rates. Thanks for your postings. It's one of the highlights of our day.

